Week 8 (11-18-13)
Wow, wow, wow.
cant thank you all enough for all your letters and messages to me. I can't
express how grateful I am for your love, support, and prayers. I wish I could
thank every single one of you personally. My heart is overwhelmed constantly
because of your support. Thank you so much. I owe it all to you guys.
I have so much to say. I could literally fill a book right now, with all the stories and experiences I’ve had. I can’t begin to write the smallest bit of how I feel, and what I’m going through. This week was tough. No lies. I’ve had some of my absolute darkest points of my life this week. I’ve been to the point of falling on my knees and crying. But through these hard times, I’ve learned lessons that can’t be learned otherwise. On the bright side however, I’ve had some of the greatest times of my life. I’ve never really felt happiness like this before.
do I even begin?
So this week was crazy, from 3 mini cambios (exchange), to elections, to church authorities, it all happened.
This is what my week was like.
Monday was of course P Day!
was so nice to get a half a day break and prepare for the week. After writing
letters, E Froerer and I went to the centro and bought a lot of stuff. I bought
more office supplies, a smaller side bag for proselyting, a new pillow, and
groceries. Then we went to a really cool empanada restaurant and of course we
got empanadas. Delicious stuff. We headed back to the casa and then we studied
a bit more. We went out and got 20 contacts and a new future investigator
within an hour and a half. Then we had a Noche de Hogar (Family home evening)
at the familia Reyes. If there has ever been a family for the missionaries, the
Reyes are the one. They are incredible people. Great times great laughs. We ate
some Pan and Jugo, and had a short lesson. Lidia and her daughter, Miriam
joined us as well. Great day.
Tuesday. Good, long, hard
studying, and then went to the weekly district meeting in Andalien. I was able
to relieve a little stress by playing the piano in the chapel while all the
leaders were coordinating in another room. I’m grateful I can play pianos and
work out some hymns. It relieves a lot of stress. Haven’t played a guitar
though, and I’m always itching to do that. Anyway, after a lesson, we headed back
and went to lunch at the Ferreira`s. It was good talking with them. They are an
awesome family too. Especially, Elder Ferreira being a 70 makes it cool. So
this last week Elder Holland was in our mission. And he gave a devotional down
in the centro. I wanted to go so bad but we couldn’t. Many of the members of
our ward went and listened to him on Last Sunday. He talked about Chile and his
love for the people. President Monson is going to be here next month here as
well, along with Elder Ballard I believe. So, exciting times. After lunch Elder
Fàlcon, one of our zone leaders, came over to do an interview with Lidia and
Ignacio. So that meant that I was on a split with Elder Garcia. That night, we
did a lot of tracting and we had a good time together. I realized that I’m in a
kind of poor area. His area has a lot nicer houses and everything. Everything
in my section of Nonguen is pretty poor and a lot of the houses are just
plywood and tin! We had a good day and visited with a lot of his investigators.
We had a ward council meeting and everyone there called me Baby face, again.
After that, we went to the super mercado (supermarket)and bought hamburgers. We
went home and cooked them up and had a feast. It was a blast.
Fàlcon got up, packed, and left. Meanwhile we had are usual morning study
routine. soon, E Froerer and I left to Sector G, our farthest out. We looked
for Gisela, one of our new investigators, but she wasn’t there. We saw some of
our other investigators, but they turned around when we called to them, Ignored
us, and pretty much ´´Died´´. We were rejected so much. It gets really tough
mentally after a while. When every option we had died, we walked down an
unmapped street that extends 14 kilometers farther. We walked down farther than
ever before, and still all the people we talked to rejected us. So, we went to
lunch just down the street. We had just the regular ol rice, and pollo. We
headed back and studied some more. Then we left and contacted some more people.
I tried my first HALO`s today (“hello” call out), Its a good feeling. The
Hermanas from Barrio Norte needed us for an interview for one of their
investigators so we traveled 40 minutes north and met up with them. The
interview took most of the day. We headed back and visited with Sean and
Nicolas. After that, we visited with the Familia Ojeda. Then we headed home.
Thursday. Most roller coaster day of my life.
start. I had a mini cambio with Elder Garcia that morning as well, cause Elder
Shumway and Elder Froerer (who are both district leaders) had a leadership
meeting. When E Garcia and I were walking up one of the streets, E Garcia all
of a sudden just shouted NOOOO! SHOOOOOTA! A stupid dog that he named, Gringo
just never leaves him alone. Weirdly enough he loves the missionaries. He
followed us for miles with one of his stupid friends. MILES. We tried so many
times to lose them. Every house we got into he just waited outside. Fortunately
enough we found a nice turn, and he went to go see a guy down the street, so we
booked it around the turn and finally we lost him. Then we headed to lunch in
my sector. On our way there, it started down pouring rain. I had my raincoat
on, but I still got soaked. That’s how crazy it was. So we finally arrived
there after having a crazy morning. In the afternoon E Froerer got back and we
went out to work. It was the hardest afternoon of my life. Everyone we had
planned to meet with wasn’t home. Everyone that we contacted was mean and
rejected us harshly. We ran into some fleites (gangsters) and were offered
drugs and everything. Dogs attacked us but we held our ground well with
throwing rocks. I was scared, beaten, exhausted, and depressed. I’ve never felt
so beaten. I felt like falling on my knees and crying. I felt like I couldn’t
go on. We didn’t get into a single house that afternoon. It was rough for E
Froerer too. He got really frustrated too. We managed to get into one members
house for the last 10 minutes and then we went home, exhausted.
was super scared for today, especially since the hard day the day before. E
Froerer had to go to Andalien for the day so I had a mini cambio for the day
with E Del Rosario from California. He has a month in the mission, and is a
little inexperienced as well. In the mission you have to make crazy decisions
and choices. You have to plan effectively. Everyone that has ever known me
knows I’m terrible at making decisions. I’ve had to learn super quickly how to
do so in the mission. I’ve had to learn how to be an adult fast. Good day
though, we had a good day of work and got a lot of contacts. I felt good
actually taking charge in a foreign land and a new ward where I don’t really
know what is going on half the time.
had an Olympiad today and everyone from the ward and a ton of non members went
to the chapel and had a party and played olympic sports. At about noon, we went
over and helped a member mold stairs out of a dirt wall in his backyard. After
that, we prepared for the baptism. Lidia got baptized as planned! I got to baptize
her! She was my first baptism on my mission, and she was the first person to
get baptized in the newly renovated chapel. It was a day of firsts, and it
really inspired me and made me feel a lot better about the mission. I
experienced happiness like never before. I’m so glad and grateful to be a part
of the work.
only an hour of church cause elections for president of Chile were that day.
Not really many people were at church but it was a good meeting. Lidia was
confirmed, and we are super excited. We went back and studied a lot. We had a
good day and visited with a lot of members. We taught Ignacio, but he is
still strung up on getting a strong answer. We are desperate for him to realize
that he has received many. He just needs to act. We are going to fast for him
on Tuesday afternoon for 24 hours. Including himself and some members. I ask
that you have him in your prayers, and that he may realize his answers. I’ve
never wanted anyone to realize the truth so badly. I’ve never felt these feelings
so strong before.
we were able to go to where the Bio Bio River meets the ocean!! It was so cool!
Our whole zone headed there and we had a great morning, wait till you see some
of the pictures I send you.
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Elders Haws and Froerer |
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Elders Froerer, Shumway, and Haws |
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"Pirate Cave" |
to some questions
Nope, no maids, we just have members cook us meals for every almuerzo (lunch). We have snacks at the house for an occasional breakfast or Once.
We have access to milk, and cold milk as well. We have some nice refrigerators at the casa. Blessed with Fridges!
The dog bite was nothing, and it healed. I cleaned it out really good, no worries. I took after you, Dad. I always carry around this rock. I call it, my courage rock, or the Rock of my Redeemer. It gives me faith.
Got the package today. WWWAAAJHHHHOOOO
week and crazy life. Love every minute of it though. The struggles and the
joys. There is nothing better in the world. I’m learning Spanish fast and I can
understand people a lot better this week. Through the gift of tongues, I know
it is possible to speak Spanish. Even though I’m really discouraged a lot, I
have faith that Heavenly Father can help me with everything. I have had far too
many experiences in two weeks that have shown me my Heavenly Fathers love and
care for me. There are too many to write. I have a burning testimony of this
church. I know it is true. Heavenly Father lives, and Jesus is the Christ. The
Book of Mormon is true. Through Joseph Smith, the true church was restored. He
was a true prophet. He did see Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ. I’m grateful
to know these things. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share them every
single minute.
To the fam, I miss you all terribly. I often think about you and wonder how you all are feeling. I love you so much. I hope you are all having a good time at home. I wish I could tell you so much more. One day, we`ll have one of the longest conversations ever. I love you and miss you
Till next week everyone! Thank you so much for your support. I cant thank you enough for all your love. LOVE YOU GUYS
Elder Ethan Haws.
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