Monday, March 23, 2015

Week 76

Wow! This week went fast. It’s kind of a blur in my head at this point. I’ll try and get as much out about the week as possible

Getting a point:

So as you probably know, our focus as a mission is all about getting points, contacts, and working with members. We haven’t been able to get many points as of late due to lack of coordination with the members and lack of investigators. On Friday Elder Flores and I said: ENOUGH.
We put our shoulders to the wheel and we went to work. We got our visit with a member and we were on our last category, lesson to less active or convert. We were with the Hermana Rosita and our plans fell. We were worried and desperate at that point. We asked Rosa if she knew anyone and then she just started taking us to tons of houses where she knew there were less active members. Eventually we got in a house. Guillermo a guy who had been sharing with the missionaries and was nearly baptized and his wife Loreta, an inactive member, let us in. They only had like 5 minutes so we went in got to know them a bit, shared a quick message, and set up another visit. It was awesome seeing a blessing in a moment of need.

Mini cambios:

Elder Colque wanted to do another mini cambio this week, so we did. I went to Pedro de Valdivia to work this time. I was with Elder Vasquez. A Colombian-gringo from Utah and we had a good day. We spent the entire day trying to get the point and eventually we got it. We taught good lessons and had a good time getting to know each other a little better.

Popcorn popping and apostasy:

From the title of this you’re probably wondering how on earth these two things are related.
Well… Elder Castro and I stumbled along some good beats during the week. And we made a little rock version of Popcorn popping and are kind of writing a song about apostasy. Just little things we do when we are relaxing a bit in the night.

Good times:

Despite not having the huge amount of baptisms and the large amount of success that usually appear in the mission, I am having a good time here. Quite frankly, I’ve never been happier in my entire life. There is nothing more glorious than being in the Lord’s service 24/7. There is nothing greater than to feel Him at your side and having angels to bear you up. With us four missionaries in the house we are constantly enjoying our time. We laugh constantly. We are all growing spiritually. It is a good time here.  I’m going to miss this awesome group of ours. I expect that I will be headed out of here in 2 weeks since cambios are coming up.

This week we were visiting the Castillo’s and Hermano Roberto showed me a cool video that the church did about duty to god and scouting. It had some really cool quotes in it. I really like one of them.

‘’Duty to god means a lot more than saying a prayer every time you need a favor. A lot more. Duty to god is simply the voluntary gesture you must make and remake a million times in your lifetime as a statement of your recognition that there’s someone above this universe that watches over this universe. By and to each one of us is a favorite [child].’’ – Jimmy Stewart

I think that as members of the church we each have a duty to god. We all have to do our part. This is the true church of Jesus Christ. Our loving Heaving Father and Savior are beckoning us to joyfully serve in their footsteps. The service they call us to is the most rewarding experience that we can have in this life. We must all do our best and remember the immense love they have for us and the sustaining hand they offer us.

Thanks for everything guys. I love you all so much. Thank you all for the support you always give me. I hope this week goes great for you all!

Elder Ethan Haws

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