Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 57

Picture of Elder Bird and Elder Haws taken at the interviews with President Arrington
Zone Conference Zona Chillan from a few weeks ago

Another Monday morning in the cyber here, in downtown Chillán.

Every single Monday it feels like this day comes sooner, and the week gets shorter.

Anyway, this week we felt like there was a bit of progression. Missionaries in general have been going through a drought like Elder Bird and I have. We aren't sure what is going on in Coyquen, but as we are looking for answers we are slowly finding clues. It’s like a big treasure hunt!

We had some great things happen this week. Behind the great things, it was pretty general. I’ll tell some of the highlights

1. Mitzi

First off, on Tuesday Elder Bird were returning from district class and decided to try our luck and swing by Mitzi's. As we approached we noticed someone standing on the corner……. It was her. HOORAY!
We went up and talked and visited with her for just a bit. She had been in Talcahuano for 4 weeks, visiting various family members, friends, and was even in a hospital for a few days. The strange thing was that she seemed 100x better than she was before. She seemed more alive, less dramatic, and less distant. It was strange how different she is!
She has now almost given up smoking! She is down to 2-3 cigarettes. She used to be smoking 2 packets daily! It is a huge improvement! We are preparing her to be baptized in 2 more weeks!

2. Silvana w/ Jose Arias.

We have not been progressing with Silvana lately. She has major doubts and won’t really look past the things she already knows. We took in the big guns this week……
There is an awesome returned missionary in the ward named Jose Arias. He served in Argentina about 2 years ago and was an excellent and a very successful missionary. We have had some amazing conversations about the gospel with him. He has taught me TONS!! This week we got him to go with us to visit Silvana. It was a good lesson where we pulled out her main doubts (Saturday as the Sabbath day and Spirits are dormant and unliving). We didn't accomplish much on the side of teaching (She didn’t listen much) but we did firmly invite her to read the book of Mormon and pray. We´ll see how it all goes. We are most likely going to drop her. It all depends on if she will listen and keep her commitments.


Oh boy.... Chillán is heating up. We are nearing the summertime.
I’ve heard during my entire mission that Chillán is the hottest place in the entire mission.
It is...
And we are only getting started!

We have broken out the fans, sunscreen, and the short sleeved shirts, but we are still getting scorched by the furnace that Chillán is! It is hard getting contacts now because no one dares to be in the street during the day. We are having to think of new strategies!

There was one visit that I thought was cool. We went to see this one old Catholic lady. It was in the early afternoon and we entered her house and began to get to know her. I had visited with her previously when I found her on a mini cambio that I had with my district leader a while back.
While visiting, there was a knock on the door and two men showed up. They were catholic priests! It was show-time. They came in and started to bash with us instantly. It was time to stand up and defend the faith. They began shouting and saying things like ''You worship Joseph Smith, your church is based on men and ours was founded by Christ.'' We quickly began testifying and sharing the message of the Restoration. It became powerful as the spirit filled us and we began to share. In the end they were too hardened to listen to us but we defended our belief. It felt really good to share my testimony in the face of such opposition.

In general the week was just trying to find out how to get things moving again and get the members excited to work with us. We got a lot of references this week. We are very content with that. Elder Bird and I are trying to figure out how to be better at all that we are doing. We realize that there is a lot that we can be doing better so we are focusing on just building up with the basics.

It’s Halloween this week! I hope you guys have fun. I have no idea what will happen, but I imagine that the only people that will be out on Halloween night will be the usual drunks that roam the streets in the evenings.

Sorry for a shorter letter, but we are just dealing with the basics here. We are so glad we found Mitzi again and that she is still excited to be baptized. We are seeing small and significant blessings. I am grateful for all those blessings that do come.

I want to share with you guys and awesome video that I found this week that really touched me and that I have been sharing with people during the week.

I want to invite you to watch that and reflect on what the sacrament means for each one of us. I have a deep testimony of the great atoning sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to participate in such a holy ordinance every week to help me remember him and remember his sacrifice. What will we do to remember Him?

Thank you all so much for all your messages and all your inspiration. It is so wonderful to hear from all of you. I love you all so much! Until Next week!

Elder Ethan Haws

More zone conference pictures; Elder Haws waiting for food

More zone conference pictures

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